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SQL Self Join

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A self join in SQL is a technique where a table is joined with itself to compare rows within the same table. This can be useful for tasks like finding hierarchical relationships or comparing rows in some way.

Example Scenario

Suppose you have an Employees table with the following structure:

EmployeeID Name ManagerID
1 Alice NULL
2 Bob 1
3 Charlie 1
4 David 2

Query Example

To find each employee along with their manager's name, you can use a self join:

SELECT e.EmployeeID, e.Name AS EmployeeName, m.Name AS ManagerName FROM Employees e LEFT JOIN Employees m ON e.ManagerID = m.EmployeeID;


  • Aliases: We use e for the employees and m for managers to differentiate between the two instances of the same table.
  • Join Condition: The ON clause specifies how to match the rows; in this case, we link an employee's ManagerID to another employee's EmployeeID.
  • LEFT JOIN: This ensures that employees without a manager (like Alice) still appear in the results, with ManagerName as NULL.


The query would produce:

EmployeeID EmployeeName ManagerName
1 Alice NULL
2 Bob Alice
3 Charlie Alice
4 David Bob

Use Cases

Self joins can be used for:

  • Finding hierarchical data (like managers and subordinates).
  • Comparing rows within the same table (like finding duplicates).
  • Any situation where relationships between rows in the same table need to be explored.
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