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SQL Operators

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Microsoft SQL Server has a range of operators that can be used in SQL queries to perform various operations. Here’s a rundown of some key operators, along with examples for each:

1. Arithmetic Operators

These operators are used for mathematical calculations.

  • Addition (+):

    SELECT 5 + 3 AS AdditionResult;

    Result: 8

  • Subtraction (-):

    SELECT 10 - 4 AS SubtractionResult;

    Result: 6

  • SELECT 7 * 3 AS MultiplicationResult;

    Result: 21

  • Division (/):

    SELECT 20 / 4 AS DivisionResult;

    Result: 5

  • Modulus (%) (remainder of division):

    SELECT 17 % 5 AS ModulusResult;

    Result: 2

2. Comparison Operators

These operators compare two values and return a boolean result.

  • Equal to (=):

    SELECT CASE WHEN 5 = 5 THEN 'True' ELSE 'False' END AS IsEqual;

    Result: True

  • Not equal to (<>):

    SELECT CASE WHEN 5 <> 3 THEN 'True' ELSE 'False' END AS IsNotEqual;

    Result: True

  • Greater than (>):

    SELECT CASE WHEN 7 > 3 THEN 'True' ELSE 'False' END AS IsGreaterThan;

    Result: True

  • Less than (<):

    SELECT CASE WHEN 3 < 7 THEN 'True' ELSE 'False' END AS IsLessThan;

    Result: True

  • Greater than or equal to (>=):

    SELECT CASE WHEN 5 >= 5 THEN 'True' ELSE 'False' END AS IsGreaterOrEqual;

    Result: True

  • Less than or equal to (<=):

    SELECT CASE WHEN 3 <= 5 THEN 'True' ELSE 'False' END AS IsLessOrEqual;

    Result: True

3. Logical Operators

These operators are used to combine multiple conditions.

  • AND:

    SELECT CASE WHEN 5 > 3 AND 10 < 15 THEN 'True' ELSE 'False' END AS IsAndConditionTrue;

    Result: True

  • OR:

    SELECT CASE WHEN 5 > 3 OR 10 > 15 THEN 'True' ELSE 'False' END AS IsOrConditionTrue;

    Result: True

  • NOT:

    SELECT CASE WHEN NOT (5 > 10) THEN 'True' ELSE 'False' END AS IsNotConditionTrue;

    Result: True

4. Bitwise Operators

Used for bit-level operations.

  • Bitwise AND (&):

    SELECT 12 & 5 AS BitwiseAndResult;

    Result: 4

  • Bitwise OR (|):

    SELECT 12 | 5 AS BitwiseOrResult;

    Result: 13

  • Bitwise XOR (^):

    SELECT 12 ^ 5 AS BitwiseXorResult;

    Result: 9

  • Bitwise NOT (~):

    SELECT ~12 AS BitwiseNotResult;

    Result: -13

  • Bitwise Shift Left (<<):

    SELECT 3 << 2 AS BitwiseShiftLeftResult;

    Result: 12

  • Bitwise Shift Right (>>):

    SELECT 12 >> 2 AS BitwiseShiftRightResult;

    Result: 3

5. String Operators

Used for string manipulation.

  • Concatenation (+):
    SELECT 'Hello' + ' ' + 'World' AS ConcatenatedString;
    Result: Hello World

6. Null Operators

Used to handle NULL values.

  • IS NULL:


    Result: True



    Result: True

  • COALESCE (returns the first non-NULL value):

    SELECT COALESCE(NULL, 'Default Value') AS CoalesceResult;

    Result: Default Value

  • NULLIF (returns NULL if the two values are equal):

    SELECT NULLIF(5, 5) AS NullifResult;

    Result: NULL

    SELECT NULLIF(5, 6) AS NullifResult;

    Result: 5

7. Other Operators

  • EXISTS (used in subqueries to check for the existence of rows):

    SELECT CASE WHEN EXISTS (SELECT * FROM Employees WHERE Salary > 50000) THEN 'Exists' ELSE 'Not Exists' END AS ExistsCheck;

    Result: Depends on the data in the Employees table.

  • BETWEEN (checks if a value is within a range):

    SELECT CASE WHEN 10 BETWEEN 5 AND 15 THEN 'Within Range' ELSE 'Out of Range' END AS RangeCheck;

    Result: Within Range

  • IN (checks if a value is in a set of values):

    SELECT CASE WHEN 3 IN (1, 2, 3, 4) THEN 'In Set' ELSE 'Not In Set' END AS InSetCheck;

    Result: In Set

  • LIKE (used for pattern matching in strings):

    SELECT CASE WHEN 'Hello World' LIKE '%World%' THEN 'Pattern Found' ELSE 'Pattern Not Found' END AS LikePatternCheck;

    Result: Pattern Found

  • ISNULL (replaces NULL with a specified value):

    SELECT ISNULL(NULL, 'Default Value') AS IsNullResult;

    Result: Default Value

  • CAST/CONVERT (used for data type conversion):

    SELECT CAST(123.456 AS INT) AS CastResult;

    Result: 123

    SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR, GETDATE(), 101) AS ConvertResult; -- Converts current date to mm/dd/yyyy format

This list covers most of the common operators used in Microsoft SQL Server. Each operator is essential for performing various types of operations and transformations on data.

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