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ASP.NET MVC Security

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Securing an ASP.NET MVC application involves implementing strategies to protect data, prevent unauthorized access, and mitigate various types of attacks. Here are some key security practices for ASP.NET MVC:

1. Authentication and Authorization

  • Authentication: ASP.NET MVC supports multiple authentication methods, such as forms authentication, Windows authentication, and external providers like OAuth and OpenID Connect (Google, Facebook, etc.).
  • Authorization: Use the [Authorize] attribute on controllers or actions to restrict access to authorized users only. You can specify roles or policies as well to control access based on user roles or other rules.

2. Anti-Forgery Tokens (Cross-Site Request Forgery - CSRF)

  • Anti-Forgery Token: Use the @Html.AntiForgeryToken() in your forms, along with the [ValidateAntiForgeryToken] attribute on actions to protect against CSRF attacks. This helps ensure that requests are genuinely initiated by authenticated users.

3. Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) Prevention

  • Automatic Encoding: ASP.NET MVC automatically encodes output when using @ syntax in Razor views, which helps prevent XSS attacks.
  • JavaScript Encoding: For dynamically injecting user data into JavaScript, use Html.Raw() carefully and consider encoding with libraries like Microsoft.Security.Application.Encoder to safely embed content.

4. SQL Injection Protection

  • Parameterization: Always use parameterized queries or Entity Framework LINQ methods to interact with the database. This prevents malicious SQL injection attacks.
  • Stored Procedures: If using raw SQL queries, consider stored procedures as an additional layer of security.

5. Secure Cookies and Session Management

  • Cookies Security: Mark authentication cookies as Secure to transmit them only over HTTPS and as HttpOnly to prevent JavaScript access.
  • Session Timeout: Set a reasonable session timeout in your configuration to reduce the risk of unauthorized access due to inactive sessions.
  • SameSite Cookies: Configure cookies with the SameSite attribute to prevent cookies from being sent with cross-site requests.


  • Require HTTPS: Enforce HTTPS for secure data transmission by using the [RequireHttps] attribute on controllers or globally with configuration settings.
  • HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS): Configure HSTS headers to instruct browsers to only interact with your site over HTTPS.

7. Error Handling and Logging

  • Custom Error Pages: Avoid exposing detailed error messages to end-users; instead, configure custom error pages with <customErrors mode="On" /> in Web.config and use centralized logging to record error details.
  • Logging Sensitive Data: Limit logging of sensitive data to avoid exposing it in logs. Use secure logging practices and encryption if sensitive data must be stored.

8. Input Validation and Data Annotation

  • Server-Side Validation: Always validate input on the server side, even if you use client-side validation. ASP.NET MVC supports model validation through data annotations like [Required], [StringLength], etc.
  • Custom Validation Attributes: Create custom validation attributes for specific data types, like emails, dates, or unique values, to prevent invalid data.

9. Content Security Policy (CSP)

  • CSP Header: Set Content Security Policy headers to restrict resources (scripts, images, styles) that the browser is allowed to load for your site, reducing the risk of XSS.

10. Avoiding Open Redirects

  • Check URL Validity: Prevent open redirects by validating URLs, especially with redirect actions (like RedirectToAction) that use external URLs. Only redirect to trusted URLs or those within the application's domain.

11. Securing API Endpoints

  • If your MVC app includes Web APIs, secure API endpoints with authentication and authorization, use HTTPS, implement rate limiting, and validate request data to prevent attacks.

12. File Upload Security

  • Sanitize and Validate: Restrict file types and validate files for size and format. Avoid allowing users to upload executable files, as this can lead to server compromise.
  • Store Outside Root: Save uploaded files outside the root directory or use a file service to manage files securely.

Implementing these security practices will help protect your ASP.NET MVC application from common vulnerabilities and improve overall application security.

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